"Our Brightest Students...
The sky is not the limit! They reach for the stars & beyond! We need to not forget the children who have potential to make huge impacts on the future of our world! Encourage them, challenge them, and offer them the path they were born to trailblaze!"
The California Dept. of Education does not allocate funds to public schools specifically for gifted and talented programs. Any GATE programs are decided upon at the local district level. Many schools in North County do not have a homogenous GATE program any longer. Contact each district/school to find out what they offer. It will vary.
Many families find charter schools that work for their needs, some attend magnet schools(focused theme), and some homeschool(privately with a PSA or through a homeschool charter).
Gifted Resources
IQ Testing
Dr Katz is a developmental psychologist with a focus on Autism. She started her college studies in giftedness and switched to autism so she's a good one to figure out if your child is on the spectrum or is gifted or 2e. She only does IQ testing through age 6.
David Palmer is in Orange County and highly recommended by many. His focus is on giftedness/IQ testing and is known as being affordable and very knowledgeable.


